“The buildings had collapsed on themselves, the vineyard blocks ravaged by deer, but this was the place and the land that spoke to us.”
Kisha & Jason Itkin
One of our favorite clients, and wineries, is Theorem Vineyards in Calistoga. Their inspiring story, hospitality and incredible property make us grateful for the opportunity to come alongside them for special events and freshening their tasting room decor weekly.
Theorem Vineyards is nestled on the northern slope of Diamond Mountain in Calistoga. This breathtaking estate with wines that benefit from volcanic soil, minimal fog, ample sunlight and cooling afternoon wind - wasn’t always wondrous. At the time of purchase in 2018, the property had fallen into disrepair. The site’s historic buildings were in shambles and the vineyards were overgrown and deer-ravaged. With a vision for what the property could be, the Itkin’s set out to achieve the property’s fullest potential.
Rehabilitation and restoration of the vineyard was paramount to the Itkin’s. Alongside their winemaker and viticulturist they redeveloped and replanted several vineyard blocks, keeping one old-vine block that later proved to be the right decision. It remains the prized fruit source for the winery’s flagship Cabernet, Voir Dire.
Construction projects have included restoration of the historic Cole House and schoolhouse dating back to the 19th century, the winery, taking inspiration from the area’s historic agricultural buildings and the Long Barn, originally a chicken coop and now used for entertaining Theorem’s visitors.
With a background in law, Jason and his wife, Kisha, an engineer with a love of science, math and geophysics, often get asked how did Theorem Vineyards get its name?
“The oldest building on property is a school house and theorem is a mathematical truth. And so we thought that was a great parallel. And certainly when we look out onto this property, like a mathematical theorem, there was a lot to solve and uncover.”
What’s next for this amazing couple and vineyard? Creating culinary gardens from which to prepare hot sauce and wine and food pairings.
“In wine, there is truth.”